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Frequently Asked Questions

We appreciate that joining a choir where you, potentially, don't know anyone can be daunting for some. We're a welcoming bunch but sometimes it helps to know what you're getting yourself into and what is expected from you.


We've pulled together a list of FAQs below to help you decide if we're right for you. But if you have any more questions you can always email us or click the Contact Us button and fill out the form. One of our friendly committee will get back to you.


Where do you rehearse?

Our rehearsals take place at St. Laurence Church Hall, Eastwoodbury Lane (by the large Tesco on the A127) every Wednesday evening from 7:30pm - 9:30pm (we operate 10-12 week terms with short breaks in-between).  

How much are subs?

We're a choir that prides itself on being exceptional value for money, as we are a not-for-profit organisation run by a voluntary committee.


Anyone wishing to try us out, can do so completely free of charge with no obligation to sign up and no hard sell.  If you do decide you would like to join, subs are £45 per term (usually around 10-12 rehearsals) and are payable at the beginning of each term, or by monthly standing order. We have three terms a year. If you join midway through a term, the subs will be calculated on a pro-rata basis. Music/Words are issued to member electronically for each of our main performances.

Do I have to audition?

There are no scary auditions. Anyone who is willing to be a team player and give a consistent commitment is very welcome to join.  We do pride ourselves on performing to a high standard and believe that practice makes permanence, but whether a complete novice, secret shower singer, or skilled musician, you will receive the warmest welcome at Vox. 


We ask that members have an email address so that we can keep in touch with a weekly newsletter - most members find this incredibly helpful to recap on what we learnt at rehearsal and what's coming up in future weeks.

Do I have to be able to sing?

You don't need to have any singing experience or be a singer at all. If you enjoy singing and music, that is all we ask.

No-one will be listening to individual voices. We are there as a group and are always looking to create the best sound as a complete choir.

Do I have to be able to read music?

No, over half of our members do not read music. We do provide everyone with sheet music to learn from, although word sheets for most pieces are also available.  Our Musical Director explains what is happening in the music so it is always clear for everyone, and most of our members have said that it's actually helped them to begin to understand how to read what's on the score.

What do I need to bring to rehearsal?

Please bring your music and a pencil (and room for tea and biscuits in the break!) or a tablet device as most pieces are now provided digitally.  We also record each rehearsal so it's helpful to practice on your own, or catch up on something you've missed. We provide refreshments during the break in rehearsals.

What if I'm worried about moving and singing together?

We are primarily a choir, the age range currently extends to 70+ and we do not expect any of our members to be dancers. 80% of our rehearsals are purely about singing and over 75% of our concert programmes are done without any form of choreography.


It's actually harder not to move a little with most of the upbeat pieces we sing (!), but for the small amount of numbers where we do have specific movement, we provide YouTube videos so that you can practice at home.

Do I need to do anything at home?

As mentioned above, we do set ourselves high standards of performance as we want to be the best we can be, irrespective of the fact we are a community choir.  To achieve that, most members do put in some additional practice at home in the run up to concerts or big performances, but day-to-day this is not required.

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